There is no other event that can surpass the birth of a baby. Each child is a reminder of the beauty of life and its precious nature, and the Naming Ceremony is a memorable way to recognise this new life and to welcome the baby into his or her family and community. The occasion brings together your loved ones and recognises the commitment you make, one and all, to nurture young life.
By choosing a name, you give your child something that is unique to them.
The importance of a name can provide a wonderful identifier for your baby and signify so much more than letters on a page.
There are rituals that you may choose to explore as you move closer to welcoming your new baby into the world. Such rituals can provide a memorable way to complete the process. For example, you can involve your family and guests with a traditional lighting of a candle, or planting of a tree. I can assist you in creating a ceremony that draws from time-honoured literary sources and you can have family perform readings or other religious, cultural or family traditions.